For remote connection I am now using DWS Remote Control.
From my research this is one of the best open source products for this. It is secure, easy to use, and free.
How To Open a DWS Connection on your Computer:
(This video by DWS shows the steps below: DWService – How to run the Agent. Watching it is optional, the steps below are simple.)
1. Download DWS Agent
Go to the DWS website and click Download.
DWS website:

2. DWS Agent File
The file you will download is called dwsagent, save it somewhere you will remember.
(Keep it for future training/support sessions.)

3. Run DWS Agent:
Double click on dwsagent to run it.
(Click “Yes” on your Windows Security warning).
When it opens click on Run. (Do not Install it).
(It is better to run it every time we connect so you don’t forget it open after we are finished.)

4. DWS Credentials
Send me the User and Password showing on the screen.
I will use these to connect to your computers Desktop.

5. Close After Session
When we are done with our session, click Close.
This shuts down the current connection and deletes the current User and Password.
For any future connection a new User and Password will be generated.

6. Keep the dwsagent file
Remember where you have saved the dwsagent file for our future sessions.
But, if you lose it that’s okay, you can always download it again.